TOP PERFORMERS How B2B Content Marketing Top Performers* Describe Their Organization – At a Glance Most Successful All Respondents Least Successful Has a documented content marketing strategy 64% 40% 19% Uses content creation/calendaring/collaboration/workflow tools 76% 65% 49% Has the right technology in place to manage content across the entire organization 47% 28% 9% Spends 50% or more of total marketing budget on content marketing 33% 21% 8% Uses one or more paid channels for content distribution 75% 67% 57% Strongly/somewhat agrees: Organization provides customers with a consistent experience across their journey. 87% 65% 40% Organization measures content performance accurately. 80% 49% 19% Diversity and inclusion play an integral role in the organization’s content decision-making 70% 56% 38% and creative processes. Uses content marketing successfully to: Nurture subscribers/audiences/leads 66% 54% 32% Generate sales/revenue 62% 42% 20% Build/grow a subscribed audience 59% 44% 26% Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs Chart term definitions: A top performer (aka “most successful”) is a respondent who characterizes their organization’s overall content marketing approach as extremely or very successful. The “least successful” characterize their organization’s approach as minimally or not at all successful. Base: Content marketers. 13th Annual Content Marketing Survey: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs, July 2022 8