KEY TAKEAWAYS The use of paid content distribution Content technologies are an issue. channels has decreased. In this new section of the annual survey, we asked The percentage of marketers using one or more paid content marketers whether their organization has the distribution channels decreased to 67%, compared with 81% right technology in place to manage content across the the previous year. Of those who are using paid channels, organization. Only 28% said yes. Of the 61% who said no, 85% use paid social media. See page 20. 31% said they have the technology but aren’t using it to potential – and 30% said they have not acquired the right Investment in video and owned-media technology (11% were unsure). See page 26. assets will continue to rise in 2023. Seventy-eight percent of content marketers said their Marketers struggle with creating organization will invest/continue to invest in video in content for the buyer’s journey and 2023, up from 69% the previous year. We also saw notable aligning content efforts across sales increases in those planning to invest in owned-media assets and marketing. (69% vs. 57% the previous year). See page 40. Marketers cited these as their top two current content marketing challenges. Other issues included consistency with measurement and internal communication among teams/silos. See page 38. 7