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BUDGETS & SPENDING Half of respondents think their content marketing budget will increase in 2023. In 2021, 66% expected their 2022 content marketing budget to increase. In 2022, only 50% think their 2023 budget will increase, suggesting caution in an unpredictable economy. How B2B Content Marketing Budget Will Change in 2023 Compared With 2022 8% ■ Increase more than 9% 1% 3% 14% ■ Increase 1%-9% ■ Stay the same ■ Decrease 1%-9% ■ Decrease more than 9% 38% 36% ■ Unsure Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs Base: Content marketers who know their organizations’ budget/budgeting process for content marketing. Aided list. 13th Annual Content Marketing Survey: Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs, July 2022 35

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