LOOKING FORWARD We asked marketers, “If you could change one thing about content marketing in your organization, what would that be?” Most of the answers revolved around seven key themes. Here are some of the answers. ▶A content marketing “Our content is largely ad hoc/reactive to “I would increase the perceived value strategy/strategic approach organizational needs rather than planned of content marketing — it’s a functional to content marketing and strategic. I hope to set a content calendar expertise/skill set, not just something (based on identified needs from sales and everyone pitches in to do. The right the organization) and have the resources to content is critical for the buyer’s journey “I would make our content more strategic. We deliver on that plan.” and campaigns.” are still at the stage where it’s highly reactive; there’s nothing to pin it down to in terms of “More focus and support from leadership the wider business and marketing strategies.” on our strategic goals so we can refine our content marketing focus to make sure we go “If we had more of an integrated marketing ▶Content marketing buy-in in the right direction with the right resources.” strategy it would not only increase sales but decrease the overall workload.” “A more robust understanding of what the role encompasses and how it touches all aspects “I would like to see us commit to a of the organization.” content strategy as a way to drive campaigns, build our brand, and engage “Define content marketing as a value-producing prospects and customers. We have tons of function to support all other marketing efforts. random acts of content, but our company Recognize the value it brings and support it doesn’t see the benefit of orchestration.” with adequate funding and resourcing.” 41