LOOKING FORWARD ▶More resources/more ▶More access to subject ▶Better technology budget and additional staff matter experts (SMEs) “Better technology would allow us to speed “Increased investment into training and team “Help our SMEs understand the value of up our efforts and measure them better. Only knowledge because as a team of three it’s very aligning to strategic POVs and topics, rather by having a solid measurement framework will hard to stay on top of the game.” than pursuing random acts of content and we be able to improve our results.” ideas. Related to this, they need to become “Increase the size of the team to add one more audience-focused.” “The technology. Being able to have a central or more writers and one or more digital repository that integrates with all our systems marketing specialists (we currently have 1.5 of “Help our experts understand what the (CMS, CRM, etc.) to be able to manage and each). There’s a lot we want to do but we lack audience really wants to hear from them. Not track the flow of where/when our content is the resources to do it all.” just a sales pitch, but a true connection with reaching targets. their business.” “Have more budget to selectively outsource “How content is collected and managed. content creation; we simply cannot create “Get the subject matter experts to give Currently, content is mostly managed by the enough new content to keep up with the the story — value props and whys at a departments that created it and that restricts demand we have in sales enablement and our deep level and be specific about how access to account managers. We do not have a brand awareness goals.” what we do adds value.” library where all content can be accessed easily.” “Add more skilled personnel and increase “More buy-in from our SMEs. Currently, some “Better technologies to manage and visibility of the content marketing team’s of our SMEs are right on the ball when helping distribute content and understand content contribution to the overall achievement of to design content, but not all. The ones that performance. Plus, technologies to better sales goals.” don’t require consistent nagging and will treat manage the content creation process. the content assignments as secondary or Without adequate technology, content tertiary tasks.” marketing is an extremely frustrating endeavor and nearly impossible to measure at scale.” 42

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