CONTENT CREATION & DISTRIBUTION In-person events are back – and the use of video continues to soar. ▶Forty-nine percent reported using in-person events, compared with only 19% the previous year. In addition, in-person events are the content type producing the best results (see next page). ▶The use of videos increased to 75% from 66% the previous year. Content Assets B2B Marketers Created/Used in Last 12 Months Short articles/posts (fewer than 1,500 words) 89% Videos (of any length/format) 75% Case studies 67% Virtual events/webinars/online courses 62% Infographics/charts/data viz/3D models 61% Long articles/posts (more than 1,500 words) 61% E-books/white papers 59% In-person events 49% Podcasts and other audio content 33% Research reports 30% Print magazines or books 17% Livestreaming content 16% Other 8% 0 20 40 60 80 100 Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs Base: Content marketers. Aided list; multiple responses permitted. 13th Annual Content Marketing Survey: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs, July 2022 14