CONTENT CREATION & DISTRIBUTION There’s no denying the power of face to face. Marketers said in-person events produced the best results for their content marketing in the last 12 months (48%). Virtual events came in a close second, followed by research reports. B2B Content Assets That Produced the Best Results in Last 12 Months In-person events 48% Virtual events/webinars/online courses 47% Research reports 46% E-books/white papers 43% Short articles/posts (fewer than 1,500 words) 39% Case studies 36% Videos (of any length/format) 36% Long articles/posts (more than 1,500 words) 32% Podcasts and other audio content 21% Infographics/charts/data viz/3D models 20% Livestreaming content 19% Print magazines or books 18% 0 10 20 30 40 50 Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs Note: Respondents were shown a display list of the content types they used in the last 12 months and asked, “ Which content assets produced the best results for your content marketing in the last 12 months? (Select all that apply.)” Base: Content marketers who use each content asset listed. Multiple responses permitted. 13th Annual Content Marketing Survey: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs, July 2022 15