METHODOLOGY & DEMOGRAPHICS The 13th Annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Insights for 2023 report was produced by Content Marketing Institute (CMI) and MarketingProfs, and sponsored by ON24. The online survey, from which the results of this report were generated, was emailed to a sample of marketers using lists from CMI and MarketingProfs. A total of 1,104 recipients from around the globe — representing a range of industries, functional areas, and company sizes — replied to the survey during July 2022. This report presents the findings from the 925 respondents who indicated: ▶Their organization is a for-profit company, primarily selling products/services to businesses (B2B) or businesses and consumers (B2B+B2C). ▶They are a content marketer, involved with the content marketing function, and/or someone to whom content marketing reports. B2B Industry Classification Size of B2B Company (by Employees) 3% 11% ■ Technology/IT/software/hardware 14% 31% ■ Agency (content marketing, advertising, digital, PR) 24% 18% 7% ■ Professional services ■Micro (1-9 employees) ■ Consulting ■Small (10-99 employees) 7% ■ Manufacturing ■Medium (100-999 employees) ■ Financial services/banking/insurance ■Large (1,000+ employees) 7% ■ Healthcare/med/pharma/life sciences 29% 29% 7% 19% ■ Publishing/media 8% ■ Other B2B Role B2B Company (by Location) 2% 2%1% 11% 5% 7% 23% ■President/C-level-VP/GM ■ North America ■Director 13% ■ Europe 9% ■Manager ■ Asia ■Writer/editor 77% ■ Africa 20% ■Strategist ■ Australia ■ South America 30% ■Other 46