INTRODUCTION How B2B Marketers Rate Their Organization’s Our annual research suggests that content marketers Overall Level of Content Marketing Success would be happier in their current roles if their organizations in Last 12 Months prioritized content marketing, backed it with strategies and resources, and invested in technologies to help them do their 1%4% ■ Extremely successful ■ Very successful jobs faster and more efficiently. 14% ■ Moderately successful 25% ■ Minimally successful Does Content Marketing Provide You With ■ Not at all successful a Meaningful/Purposeful Career Path? Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs Base: Content marketers. 56% 13th Annual Content Marketing Survey: 15% ■ Yes Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs, July 2022 ■ No Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs Base: Content marketers. All of this is not to say that content marketers are unhappy. In fact, 85% 13th Annual Content Marketing Survey: 85% told us they feel that content marketing provides a rewarding Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs, July 2022 and purposeful career path. It’s just not always with the company in which they’re currently working. CMI’s recent Content Marketing Career & Salary If one theme emerged from this year’s annual research it 2023 Outlook found that the lack of a clear career path in the was this: It’s time for organizations to finally give content organizations content marketers work for is a real problem. And marketing the investment it deserves, staff it accordingly, many content marketers are willing to change companies for and reap the rewards. The sleeping giant is awake. Now it’s better opportunities. time to feed it. 5