CONTENT CREATION & DISTRIBUTION Only 10% of respondents said their organization monetizes content. These forward-leaning organizations were mostly agencies, consultants, and technology marketers. How B2B Organizations Monetize Content Sponsorships/advertising 52% Paid or premium content 48% Affiliate relationships 39% Other 16% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs Base: Content marketers whose organizations monetize their content. Aided list; multiple responses permitted. 13th Annual Content Marketing Survey: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs, July 2022 D o e s Y o u r O r g a n i z a t i o n M o n e t i z e I t C s o n t e n t ( i . e . , D o e s Y o u r C o n t e n G t e n e r a t e R e v e n u e D i r e c t l y ) ? 13% 10% ■ Yes ■ No ■ Unsure 77% 23