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CONTENT MANAGEMENT & OPERATIONS Sixty-one percent of marketers said their organization either hasn’t acquired the right technology – or has the technology but isn’t using it to potential. This suggests that too many B2B companies: ▶ Are developing tech stacks without a strategy (i.e., letting features and functions drive the strategy rather than the other way around) ▶ Don’t appreciate the level of complexity in not just implementing martech tools but also managing and maintaining them The Right Technology in Place to Manage Content Across the B2B Organization ■ 11% Yes ■ No – we have the technology, 28% but aren’t using it to potential ■ No – we haven’t acquired the 30% right technology ■ Unsure 31% Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs Q: Do you feel that your organization has the right technology in place to manage content across your entire organization? Base: Content marketers. Aided list; multiple responses permitted. 13th Annual Content Marketing Survey: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs, July 2022 26

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