CONTENT CREATION & DISTRIBUTION LinkedIn is the organic social media platform B2B content marketers used the most and the one they found most effective. Facebook had the lowest ratings, with 37% saying it was not very or not at all effective. Extremely Very Somewhat Not Very Not At All Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective LinkedIn 21% 39% 33% 6% 1% Facebook 5% 18% 41% 31% 6% Twitter 3% 14% 47% 28% 8% YouTube 9% 29% 45% 15% 2% Instagram 6% 19% 44% 27% 5% Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs Base: Content marketers who used the organic social media platforms listed in the last 12 months. 13th Annual Content Marketing Survey: Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs, July 2022 19